
Hartley Mellish - Expert Witness Economist

Hartley Mellish, Ph.D.

Photo of Dr. Mellish

Dr. Mellish is a recognized expert on economic damages and litigation. In addition, he is very disciplined and had been a nationally ranked triathlete. He has completed Ironman Florida (140.6 miles) 5 times. His wife, Lara Butler, is Director of Business Development for Education Partners, a company that provides paperless, cloud-based enrollment and financial aid processes thereby increasing access to higher education for students while eliminating bad debt for schools. They have two children, Luke and Jennie. Dr. Mellish is a past President of The Tampa Club. He is also a respected member of the Tampa Yacht Club.

Dr. Mellish continues to stay active in his athletic endeavors including running, biking and swimming on a regular basis. He enjoys taking on new challenges and looks forward to working with you on a current or future case.

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Lynda Garner, MSCC

Photo of Lynda

Lynda is an data analyst and has worked with Dr. Mellish since 1987. Although she moved to Michigan several years ago, she continues to work with Dr. Mellish from her home in Michigan via the internet.

Lynda is very versatile in her role with Dr. Mellish and is his primary assistant. She does data collection, research, summarizes data, performs preliminary calculations and analysis under Dr. Mellish's direction and in her spare time maintains our website. Lynda has a 2-year college degree plus many years of instruction by Dr. Mellish in economics and business. In 2018, she completed certification training as a Certified Medicare Set-Aside Consultant and developed self-taught skills in computer programs such as Excel, Word, Outlook, various database applications and many other programs including web design.

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